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Metropolitan’s Message

“We replaced wisdom with knowledge and now we have replaced knowledge with information”, writes Thomas Eliot in “Waste Land”. Could we possibly make the Internet an important pastoral tool in the hands of the Church? Could the millions of people who daily surf the cyberworld palpate hope and discover the wonders of God and people via the Internet? Believing that the Church’s mission is to offer this world the opening of Heaven and to give man the prospect of salvation, which is Christ Himself, the question arises: Could the Church, countering the challenge of technocratic” globalization by highlighting Its universality and redemptive testimony of Orthodoxy throughout history, speak the language of each soul through the Internet? Perhaps, among all the other risks and temptations of the irrational use of cyberspace, there is also a lurking danger of seeking God and trying to see Him, to meet Him on a computer screen and not in the face of our brother.

Whatever the case, this world, the small the great, the world of the Internet seems to be, among other things, the new global space of mission and witness, we note. Without ever forgetting that nothing in the world can replace the living relationship with God and live contact with our brothers, we testify the humble witness and ministry of our Metropolis, through the website that you are already viewing. Our goal is not to show off our … “good” deeds, but the acquaintance with this historic province of the Ecumenical Throne, with its Saints, its holy tradition, the place and its people.

We welcome you with great love, honor and joy.

Please wish and pray for God to grace our ministry so that we are able to “inform” you about it in the present century.